Fully double, spurless, deep-burgundy flowers, superb for cutting. Richer, deeper burgundy color than Ruby Port Columbine. Full sun in cooler summer climates, shade to partial shade in warm summer climates. 32” tall. Perennial in USDA Hardiness Zones 3-9. Blooms from late spring into summer.
Seed sowing instructions: Cold stratify for 3 weeks at 35-40°F in winter. To stratify, place seeds in dampened vermiculite or between moist paper towels, label and enclose in a plastic bag and refrigerate. Eight to 10 weeks before last frost, remove pre-chilled seeds from refrigerator and sow on surface of a good seed-starting mix. Cover with humidity dome and keep at 60-70°F. Transplant seedlings as they appear; anywhere from 2-4 weeks—be patient. Plant out after all danger of frost.
Starting Outdoors: Sow early to late spring, or in late summer in prepared garden beds.