Five Finger Grass Herb (Cinquefoil) 1oz - Money, Love, Health, Wisdom, and Power
Cinquefoil Herb c/s Wildcrafted
Botanical Name: Potentilla erecta
Comon Names: Five-finger grass
Five Finger Grass is an all-purpose magical herb. The five points of the leaf represent money, love, health, wisdom, and power. Wear, burn or carry to possess these traits. It is believed that this herb has been used for the purpose of good luck in money matters, love affairs and for protection from evil. According to one noted author, "If you call upon another to ask for a favor, carry a little of the FIVE-FINGER GRASS with you and you shall certainly obtain that which you desire." It is also said that among card players it is combined with Lucky Hand Root to aid in "all the skills that five fingers can perform."
To remove lingering curses that has been place on you bath in the Five Finger Grass tea for 9 continuous days, or that you can make it into tea and add it to floor washes to clear away so-called crossed conditions.
For prosperity and good luck put some Five Finger Grass in a Red Bag and keep with you.
Please keep this sealed
and stored in a dark cool area or store in an airtight container away
from direct heat, light, and moisture for maximum freshness.
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please message/email me.
Questions: Please contact us with any questions or
concerns about condition specifics, prior to purchasing.