Collection of festive-themed animated features and episodes from Disney. In 'Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas' (1999), which is split into three segments, Mickey (voice of Wayne Allwine) and Minnie (Russi Taylor) recall a magical Christmas when they each gave up something important for the other's sake, while Donald Duck (Tony Anselmo)'s nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie (also Taylor) remember a Yuletide that nearly turned into a disaster! 'Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas' (2004) includes five short films. In 'Belles on Ice' figure skaters Minnie and Daisy (Tress MacNeille) are best pals but each one thinks she is the star of the big ice show. In 'Christmas - Impossible' Huey, Dewey and Louie realise they may be left off Santa (Chuck McCann)'s good list this year - but with no time left to mend their ways, their only possible course of action is to break into Santa's workshop and write their names on the list themselves. 'Christmas Maximus' finds Max (Jason Marsden) mortified with embarrassment by the over-the-top antics of his dad, Goofy (Bill Farmer), when he brings his college girlfriend home for the holidays. In 'Donald's Gift' Donald Duck just wants to stay at home and avoid the hassle of Christmas but Daisy and his nephews drag him out to the mall. In 'Mickey's Dog-Gone Christmas' Pluto (also Farmer) runs away in shame after accidentally destroying Mickey's prized Christmas decorations - and inadvertently ends up on a train to the North Pole. In 'Mickey's Magical Chrismas - Snowed in at the House of Mouse' (2001) Christmas gets off to a bad start for Mickey and his friends when a massive snowstorm leaves them snowed in and stranded at the House of Mouse. But before long Minnie pulls out the old home movies, Mickey starts passing round the cookies and hot chocolate and the gang begin reminiscing about Yuletide's past. Soon the friends are all having a fine festive time and even grumpy Donald begins to enjoy himself. 'Celebrate Christmas With Mickey, Donald and Friends' includes a collection of adventures in which Mickey and the gang have fun during the festive season. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.