The fifth season of the anime following the adventures of Goku (voice of Masako Nozawa) as he attempts to save the Earth from an alien invasion. The episodes are: 'Seized With Fear', 'The Reunion', 'Borrowed Powers', 'His Name Is Cell', 'Piccolo's Folly', 'Laboratory Basement', 'Our Hero Awakes', 'Time Chamber', 'The Monster Is Coming', 'He's Here', 'Up to Piccolo', 'Silent Warrior', 'Say Goodbye, 17', 'Sacrifice', 'Saiyans Emerge', 'Super Vegeta', 'Bow to the Prince', 'Hour of Temptation', 'Krillin's Decision', 'The Last Defence', 'Cell Is Complete', 'Vegeta Must Pay', 'Trunks Ascends', 'Saving Throw', 'Ghosts from Tomorrow' and 'The Cell Games'. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.