Episodes 240-252 of the Japanese anime series following the adventures of a young girl who is determined to join an organisation of wizards. Membership of the group known as 'Fairy Tail' is Lucy Heartfilia (voice of Aya Hirano)'s goal when she runs away from home. A boy she meets in a nearby town, Natsu Dragneel (Tetsuya Kakihara), and his talking cat Happy (Rie Kugimiya), appear to offer a way in to the powerful guild. Can she realise her dreams and become a wizard to be reckoned with? The episodes are: 'Tartaros Chapter - A Place Reached By Prayer', 'Tartaros Chapter - The Demon's Rebirth', 'Tartaros Chapter - To Let Live or Die', 'Tartaros Chapter - Wendy Vs Ezel', 'Tartaros Chapter - Friends Forever', 'Tartaros Chapter - Hell's Core', 'Tartaros Chapter - Underworld King', 'Tartaros Chapter - Alegria', 'Tartaros Chapter - A Strike from the Stars', 'Tartaros Chapter - Celestial Spirit King Vs Underworld King', 'Tartaros Chapter - Erza Vs Minerva', 'Tartaros Chapter - The Boy's Tale' and 'Tartaros Chapter - Gray Vs Silver'. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.