Story Summary:
Seichi Osabe is a young boy living in a rural Japanese town. He lives a normal life — friends at school, a Precocious Crush, and a loving mother and father that care for him. In particular, he has a very strong relationship with his mother Seiko, who dotes on him excessively and is very overprotective.
Perhaps a little bit too much.
After a hiking trip gone wrong in which Seiko pushes her nephew off of a cliff in the middle of the woods, simply for playing a prank on his cousin, Seichi slowly becomes horrified of his mother's dangerously overprotective nature, and seeks to branch out from her. Unfortunately for him, she has other plans, and wants to keep her son under her thumb forever...
Title: Blood On The Track
Author/Writers: Shuzo Oshimi
Condition: Brand New and Sealed
Language: English Version
Volume: Volume 1-15
Genre: Psychology, Horror, Suspense
Publisher: WOS Limited Manga
This Book Not Suitable for collector because this was not from Original Publisher(Viz Media, Square Enix etc.).
Suitable for first time want to read manga.
All contents originally from Original Publisher but for printing and book its premium quality from WOS Limited Manga.