1970 film version of Emily Bronte's classic novel, directed by Robert Fuest. Anna Calder-Marshall stars as the wild and beautiful Catherine, who forms a strong attachment to the mysterious foundling Heathcliff (Timothy Dalton) after he is taken in by her father (Harry Andrews). When Heathcliff leaves to seek his fortune, he returns to find - to his despair - that Catherine has married the local magistrate Edgar (Ian Ogilvy). The story is narrated by Catherine's servant Nellie (Judy Cornwell), who in this version is portrayed as a beautiful young blonde. Julian Glover co-stars as Hindley, Catherine's older brother, who takes over the house and land after the death of their father - but ends up gambling away the family fortune in a drunken binge after the death of his wife and child. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.