All 13 episodes from the first series of the teenage fantasy drama. The programme follows a group of young wolfbloods as they come to terms with their transformation and try their utmost to protect the wolfblood secret. In Stoneybridge, Northumbria, teenager Maddy Smith (Aimee Kelly) moves ever closer to her first transformation and meets a fellow wolfblood when new boy Rhydian Morris (Bobby Lockwood) joins Bradlington High. The episodes are: 'Lone Wolf', 'Mysterious Developments', 'Family Ties', 'Cry Wolf', 'Occam's Razor', 'Maddy Cool', 'Dark Moon', 'Wolfsbane', 'A Quiet Night In', 'The Call of the Wild', 'Eolas', 'Caged' and 'Irresistible'. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.