All ten episodes from the first season of the children's animated series based on the line of toys manufactured by Lego. Set in the medieval land of Knighton, the show follows the Nexo Knights, Clay Moorington (voice of Giles Panton), Aaron Fox (Alessandro Juliani), Lance Richmond (Ian Hanlin), Princess Macy Halbert (Erin Mathews) and Axl (Brian Drummond), as they battle to protect their kingdom from the evil necromancer Monstrox (Mark Oliver), Jestro (Vincent Tong) and the Lava Monster Army. The episodes are: 'The Book of Monsters: Part 1', 'The Book of Monsters: Part 2', 'The Power of Merlock', 'The Knight's Code', 'Fright Knight', 'The Golden Castle', 'The Maze of Amazement', 'The Black Knight', 'The Book of Total Badness' and 'The Might and the Magic'. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.