Willmar Schwabe Ferrum Metallicum(Dilution)

Triturations of the pure metal and of the carbonate; solution of the acetate is used to make the medicine.

Common Name:  Iron, Fe.

Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Ferrum Metallicum

Mind and Head

Frequent attacks of hammering, pulsating headache, often with hot head and cold extremities.

Palpitation and dyspnea with great weakness with inability to do anything like work marks Ferrum Met.

Patient excitable, impulsive, changeable is relieved with Ferrum Metallicum.

Ferrum wants to be pressed to support the veins. Throbbing like hammers in the head.

Congestive headaches from excitement, from taking cold; from exposure; lasting three or four days or a week indicates ferrum met.

Eyes, Ear, Nose

Redness of the eyes, with venous stasis and swelling of the eyelids; pus-like discharge is relieved with Ferrum Met.

Ringing in the ears with sensitivity to sound marks the action of this medicine.

Nosebleed on slight provocation, with headaches during the menses. Scabs form in the nose

Stomach and Abdomen

Eructations of food by the mouthful after eating, All food tastes bitter with regurgitation of food is relieved with Ferrum Met.

As soon as the stomach is empty vomiting ceases until he eats again. Vomiting of food, immediately after midnight indicates Ferrum met.

Female complaints

Dragging down in the lower part of the body, as if the organs would come out is an indication for Ferrum Metallicum

Weakness and relaxation of the genital organs is common to Ferrum.

Menses too soon, too profuse and lasting too long.

Rectum and Stool

Ferrum metallicum is well Indicated in Painless Diarrhea.

Irritability of rectum and bladder is relieved with this medicine.

Itching at the anus from ascarides at night is relieved with Ferrum Met.

Blind and fluent hemorrhoids.

Urinary complaints

Ferrum met is useful in incontinence of urine particularly in women, spurts on coughing.


Rest Brings on the pain is characteristic of this medicine.

Violent pains, tearing and shooting pains with Cramps in the limbs, After walking in the open air, sickly feeling of fatigue is relieved with Ferrum Metallicum.

Cracking in the joints is relieved with Ferrum Met.

Muscular pains about the shoulder especially left deltoid is relieved with Ferrum met.

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