Reptilian Djinn-lizard Queen
This extraordinary creature, known as Aby, possess abilities that surpass the imagination of ordinary beings. Her emerald scales shimmer in the sunlight, reflecting her immense power and wisdom.
The lizard queen's infinite powers allow her to control the elements, manipulate time, and communicate with all creatures in the animal kingdom.
One of Aby's most remarkable abilities is the power to heal. With a gentle touch, she can mend broken bones, cure ailments, and restore vitality to the weary. The lizard queen uses this gift to bring harmony and well-being to her subjects, ensuring their happiness and prosperity.
But Aby's powers extend far beyond the physical realm. She has the ability to see into the hearts and minds of those around her, allowing her to understand their deepest desires and fears. With her infinite wisdom, she guides her subjects towards enlightenment and personal growth, encouraging them to embrace their true potential.
Aby's incredible powers help, creatures from far and wide.
Hello my name is Rana Shahla
I am pleased to be telling you some information about me, Apart from practising white magic, I am also a well-practised White witch wiccan, black magick, medium, Spiritual adviser and Psychic.
I particularly specialize in haunted vessels, talismans and spells that help to better the lives of my beloved & important clients. I have been practising magic, casting spells, conjuring spirits, and helping people through magic for over three decades!
My coven name Rana Shahla has important meaning behind it:
Element: Water
Language: Afghani
Meaning: Beautiful Eyes
I work with the coven of enchantment, this amazing trusted coven has 4 powerful witches who work well together everyday. I am the main source of contact for our coven, but all 4 of us work lovingly for you.
We hope that we can help you too, one day soon...
Please contact us any time for any questions you have...
Blessings to you & yours.
High Priestess Rana Shahla.
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