Has advertising from various places like
Citrus Bett Lanes San Bernardino CA
Does Bar Orlando Florida and others.
Minor wear, never used, with tag.
Appx. 14" across top x 23" tall from top of handle to bottom x bag area 12' tall
We will ship using either USPS, FedEx or UPS.
Most of the items we sell are sold "AS IS", unless it's marked as new.
We sell a wide variety of used items. We try to describe them as best we can but we are not professionals, nor are we experts on most of the items we sell. When we sell a used item normal wear, scratches, & signs of use should be expected. Most items will need a quick cleaning. We do not offer warranties or refunds. Please ask questions if you have them. All sales are final. No returns. Thank you.
International bidders...items will be shipped to's US hub to be shipped to you by their Global Shipping Program. Wait for an invoice from.