Title: The Book of Kells (Studio Miniatures)

Author: Ben MacKworth-Praed
Publisher: Studio Editions, Limited
Published Year: 1998
Format: Hardcover

Condition: Very Good

"The Book of Kells (Studio Miniatures)" by Ben MacKworth-Praed offers a captivating glimpse into one of the most celebrated illuminated manuscripts in history. This miniature edition presents a selection of stunning reproductions from the Book of Kells, an ancient manuscript renowned for its intricate illustrations and ornate calligraphy. Ben MacKworth-Praed provides insightful commentary accompanying the illustrations, offering readers a deeper appreciation of the artistry and symbolism within the manuscript.


Experience the exquisite artistry of the Book of Kells with this Studio Miniatures edition by Ben MacKworth-Praed. Perfect for art enthusiasts, historians, and collectors alike, this book offers a delightful journey into the world of medieval illumination and Celtic culture.