Title: Green Dolphin Street

Author: Elizabeth Goudge
Publisher: Coward McCann, Inc.
Publication Year: 1944

"Green Dolphin Street" by Elizabeth Goudge is a captivating novel set against the backdrop of 19th-century New Zealand. Published by Coward McCann, Inc. in 1944, this edition transports readers to a world of romance, adventure, and family drama. While the hardcover shows signs of wear on the cover and yellowing of the pages due to age, the book remains in good condition, preserving the enchanting narrative for readers to enjoy.


The hardcover edition of "Green Dolphin Street" is in good condition, with wear on the cover and yellowing of the pages consistent with its age, as depicted in the accompanying photographs.

Embark on a journey of love and adventure with "Green Dolphin Street" by Elizabeth Goudge, a timeless novel that transports readers to the captivating world of 19th-century New Zealand.