<strong><h2><strong>Item is AS-IS NO Warranty</strong></h2></strong><span style="background-color: rgb(6, 69, 247);">Additional Information:</span> <br /><ul><li>The following is what we experienced while inspecting this item. </li><li>There is <u>no guarantee that this item will function </u>when you receive it; <br /></li><li>however we will do our best to description the item and what occurred during our time with it.</li><li>
<LI>This system was able to power on and post during our testing <LI> System failed mounting local files during our testing <LI> There may be other issues as we were not able to fully test <LI> System specs are as Follows: Intel Celeron E3400 @ 2.4GHz,1GB Ram and a 256GB SSD <LI> The screws are missing on the case <LI> There are pictures of the testing the system did on boot and results <LI> The Game Pump It Up Infinity is installed on drive <LI>
NO recover disc included<li>NO USB Key
<br /></li></ul><p><span style="background-color: rgb(247, 242, 13);"><strong>Important Product Disclaimer:</strong></span><br /></p>
<li>If the item is listed as power on; this is a low level test to verify if the
power light is able to illuminate; if the item is able to respond in some way to
power being applied. </li>
<li>If you are expecting or are in need of a fully working item please do not
purchase this item.</li>
<li><u> If you are looking for a project or something to repair, this maybe the
item for you; as long as it is understood that this item will need to be
repaired or used for parts. </u> </li>
<li>Item has not been dismantled to see what internal parts may or may not be
damaged; nor is it known if any parts are missing. </li>
<li>NO Log-in information is known. </li>
<li>If applicable; all storage media has been removed from this item. <b>If you
are questions about the item in any way, please contact us. </b></li><li><strong></strong></li><b></b><br />