Title: The Rowan Author: Anne McCaffrey Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York Publication Year: 1990
Description: Dive into the extraordinary world of telepathic powers and interstellar adventure with "The Rowan" by Anne McCaffrey. Published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons in New York in 1990, this captivating novel introduces readers to The Rowan, a powerful telepath whose talents hold the key to humanity's survival in the vast reaches of space. As she grapples with her own abilities and confronts the challenges of a dangerous universe, The Rowan's journey will transport readers to realms of wonder and intrigue.
Condition: This hardcover edition with dust jacket of "The Rowan" is in very good condition, carefully maintained over the years. The condition of the book is accurately depicted in the accompanying photographs.
Embark on an unforgettable journey across the stars with "The Rowan" by Anne McCaffrey, a tale of adventure, telepathy, and the triumph of the human spirit.