This is the 1957 romantic comedy Tammy and the Bachelor on VHS (released by MCA Home Video, 1993). The film stars Debbie Reynolds and Tambrey "Tammy" Tyree, Walter Brennan as Grandpa Dinwitty and Leslie Nielsen as Peter Brent. Adapted from the 1948 novel Tammy Out of Time by Cid Ricketts Sumner, it is the first of the four "Tammy" movies. Not rated, run time is 1 hour and 29 minutes. Tape and sleeve are in excellent condition. Asking $3.00 obo. Everything I have listed for sale is "or best offer", so feel free to make an offer.
I sell a huge variety of stuff to supplement my income and help me put the last of my kids through college. Some items come from flea markets or estate sales, and some come from around our home, but many items come to me from my extended family of hardcore hoarders. So, the variety really can be vast and unpredictable. Please check back often, because you really never know what I will have from one day to the next!
Thanks for visiting and have a great day!