Sprouting or nearly sprouting--except winter. Growing instructions included 5 rhizome roots, 2 inches long each or longer. We give automatic Positive Feedback--details below.
Check out my YouTube video "All About Taro" to see the ones I sell growing in my garden. Search JAMES PLOSKO TARO.
Please note: Taro needs a soil temperature of at least 65 degrees or higher to grow. More growing instructions below.
There is a discount when ordering extra ! Taro roots are kind of like seeds. Not all seeds germinate and on a rare occasion not all Taro roots grow. But there is a much higher success rate with a root because it has a lot of nutrients stored in it.
Health benefits listed after growing instructions.
Grows to 24 inches tall. Will eventually make a clump that may be left alone or divided and replanted.
Plant when soil is above 65 degrees or warmer. The warmer the better. To help warm soil add leaves or other compost material that will make heat during decomposing.
Or start in a pot in a sunny, warm location--making sure soil does not dry out. And bring pot in if temperature gets below 65 degrees at night.
Plant root in moist soil with only the bud barely visible at soil line. If bud is not obvious, compare to other Taro or lay horizontally. Might not grow if upside down. So horizontal is better than upside down.
Water regularly, keeping soil moist until roots are established. Taro thrives in a tropical wet environment.
Taro loves fertilizer, especially when getting started...
Mix slow release fertilizer into soil. Or fertilize monthly from spring until early fall with an all-purpose, water soluble fertilizer (20-20-20 or 10-10-10). A bit of root simulator does not hurt when getting Taro started.
In HOT regions...
Choose a location with partial afternoon shade to protect from direct hot afternoon sunlight. Dappled afternoon sunlight is fine. Keep very moist. To conserve moisture, add 2 or 3 inches of mulch. Once roots are established then watering may be reduced.
Taro, pond plant growing...
For best results, experiment to see how Taro reacts to pond water levels. Plant in a line from where ground dries occasionally to a depth of 3 inches of water. Allow to spread/clump in the depths it prefers. Can usually grow in water up to 5 inches deep.
Winter care...
Does well (once established) in Zones 8 and above (maybe Zone 7). In colder regions mulch well or replant every spring. Or start early in warm location in pots. In northern USA usually the south side of a home is the warmest location. Taro is a tropical plant that prefers warm, swampy conditions with plenty of decomposing plant material--similar to a tropical rain forest.
Health benefits...
Taro is an excellent source of fiber and resistant starch, which account for many of its health benefits, such as improved heart health, blood sugar levels, body weight and gut health. Taro also contains a variety of antioxidants and polyphenols that protect against free radical damage and potentially cancer. Has many other health benefits. Has been eaten for thousands of years in Asia. Research cooking instructions. Attractive, edible landscape plant.
See my other plants ! :)
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