In a hidden enclave deep within the dark forest, where monsters creep in the night, lies a place untouched by the gathering shadows. There, in their cavernous safe haven, the wood elves live, dance, and make merriment, even despite the mounting dark presence around them. The king of these elven hosts, born at the dawn of the world, rules with a just, but cautious, hand, driving spiders and orcs alike from his mountain halls, with his great sword in his wizened grip. [Dimensions] Overall Length: 37.5 Blade Length: 29 Hilt Length: 9 Weight: .4 lb [Material] High-density foam and plastic core construction keeps this prop durable while still being lightweight [In the Halls of the Mountain King] Channel the spirit of the great elvish lord, with this detailed and authentic prop [Convention] Will pass any weapons check, making it the perfect accessory for your cosplay [Quality] All of our products are made of the finest materials, and are packaged securely in our own warehouse
Additional Details
Bullet point: [Dimensions] Overall Length: 37.5” Blade Length: 29” Hilt Length: 9” Weight: .4 lb
Product description: In a hidden enclave deep within the dark forest, where monsters creep in the night, lies a place untouched by the gathering shadows. There, in their cavernous safe haven, the wood elves live, dance, and make merriment, even despite the mounting dark presence around them. The king of these elven hosts, born at the dawn of the world, rules with a just, but cautious, hand, driving spiders and orcs alike from his mountain halls, with his great sword in his wizened grip. [Dimensions] Overall Length: 37.5” Blade Length: 29” Hilt Length: 9” Weight: .4 lb [Material] High-density foam and plastic core construction keeps this prop durable while still being lightweight [In the Halls of the Mountain King] Channel the spirit of the great elvish lord, with this detailed and authentic prop [Convention] Will pass any weapons check, making it the perfect accessory for your cosplay [Quality] All of our products are made of the finest materials, and are packaged securely in our own warehouse