A bioresonance modulator is a device based on natural crystals that is glued to a smartphone and used to enhance one's goals, desires, thoughts, and intentions.
The principle of operation is based on the ability of crystals to enter into interaction with a person and accumulate information. The formulated intention is recorded in the modulator crystal, then the cellular signal is modulated with this information. Thus, the intention of a person spreads over long distances in the global energy-information field of the Earth.
BRM Amethyst works with the following areas of intent:
— family harmony, family well-being, conflict resolution in the family, the family of Feng Shui, finding the "second half";
— physical improvement and improvement in performance in sports, yoga, qigong, meditation;
— the resolution of old karmic knots;
— poise, calmness, alignment, biofeedback, control of emotions, opening the heart center;
— work with the voice and fear of public speaking, opening the throat center;
— removal of stress, neurotic and anxiety, combating insomnia;
— increase clarity of thought, awareness of the current situation and the development of intuition;
— the challenges of improving health, enhancing vitality, vigor; physical rejuvenation and improvement of skin condition.
Detailed instructions for use included.