LOST Apple Commercial Infomercial Macintosh Jacksonville Story in Motion 1991
WOW. You don't get a piece of history like this everyday. This is a long-lost Apple Infomercial/Commercial from 1991. At present moment this can't be found on-line or bought anywhere, except right here. I am not sure where Apple advertised or marketed these tapes, but they spent a lot of money (at the time) developing these.
The basis of this infomercial is that Apple did an "experiment" with 30 small businesses in 1990. They gave out free Apple Macintosh IIsi to business owners in Jacksonville, Oregon. They taught the owners how to use computers and they tracked their utilization of the machines for a year. After the time was up, Apple sent an independent firm to track the business productivity. The numbers were up and the Mac's were a great success for the majority of the owners.
The commercial follows several owners as they use the computers throughout the year. There are several interviews with these owners, featuring their stories and their experiences with these "new" computers.
Run Time of Infomercial is around 30 min. There is also a local news story of what Apple did for Jacksonville at the end of the tape.
Apple chose Jacksonville, for its unique cross-section of businesses. But they also chose Jacksonville, as this small town boarders the Applegate Valley. The story goes that Apple originally thought they could try their experiment in the Applegate. They were disappointed to find out there were only a few businesses running in Applegate. So they turned to nearby, quaint and historic Jacksonville.
I am assuming that each business owner was given a copy of the final infomercial VHS Tapes. Do not know how many of those survived. One of these was given to my Grandfather (a business owner featured in this commercial), and I am selling this on behalf of my Grandmother.
Some of the highlights and quotations through the film:
- Apple will "Change the Rules"
- (In a small town) everybody talks about everything and I think Apple Computer is going to be talked about for a long time"
- " I am sure Macintosh will be around for a long time"
-They tease/joke/"rip" on DOS is various parts
- Features graphic symbolism
- Also features customers trying out "System 7" and "Quick Time Pro"
(the Russia and Apple Section seems to be a parody of "DOSvedanya")
FREE Ship.... You are buying the three VHS Tapes pictured.
I am in the military reserves and can not always ship immediately. I will do the best I can.