• Bellfarm® Snow-on-the-mountain Seeds, also known as Euphorbia marginata, are versatile plants with fine roots and elliptical leaves. They bloom in pale yellow or gray-brown hues from June to September and thrive in well-drained soil, making them ideal for gardens and cut flowers.

    🌱 Bellfarm® Snow-on-the-mountain Seeds: This variety, also known as Euphorbia marginata, smoke-on-the-prairie, variegated spurge, or whitemargined spurge, originates from the Chinese (Gansu) Agricultural Sciences Institute. Choose from quantities of 100 seeds.


    🌱 Botanical Characteristics : Bellfarm® Snow-on-the-mountain Seeds belong to the Euphorbiaceae family and are annual herbaceous plants. They have fine roots with numerous branches, elliptical leaves with small pointed tips and white margins. The flowering period is from June to September, with spherical capsules and cylindrical seeds in pale yellow or gray-brown colors.


    🌱 Preferred Growing Conditions: Snow-on-the-mountain thrives in well-drained, deep, fertile, and airy soil, preferring good drainage and tolerating dry conditions. It dislikes excessive moisture and can grow in slightly alkaline soil. The optimal temperature range for growth is between 16 to 28°C.


    🌱 Aesthetic Appeal: The silver-edged foliage of Snow-on-the-mountain is exceptionally beautiful, making it a renowned choice for garden flowers. It is often cultivated for ornamental purposes along garden walls, pathways, and can also be used as a source for cut flowers due to its high quality. This plant is robust in growth and is rarely affected by pests or diseases.


    🌱 Planting Instructions: To plant Bellfarm® Snow-on-the-mountain Seeds, directly sow them in outdoor seedbeds or pots. Prepare the seedbed by leveling and watering it thoroughly. After the soil is slightly damp, sow the seeds evenly and cover them with fine soil. Use plastic film to retain warmth and moisture. Maintain a temperature around 20°C for germination, typically occurring within a week. Once seedlings emerge, remove the film, ensuring they receive light preferably before 9:30 am or after 3:30 pm. Thin out seedlings when most have developed three or more leaves, and transplant or pot them accordingly.


    🌱 Quantity: 100 Seeds.
    🌱 Leaves Color: .White-green.
    🌱 Flower Color: Greenish-yellow subtended by showy white bracts.
    🌱 Height: 1.00 to 3.00 feet.
    🌱 Seeds Quality: Premium.