Spending an entire evening after typing out your essay or pulling an all-nighter to prepare the project proposal you've been working on for weeks. Surely, your hands must be sore, and your fingers must be tired.

After submitting the assignments and projects before the deadline, you must be feeling emotionally relaxed. But what about the physical pain you are feeling in your hand's muscles right now?

Don't you need something that can work on those pressure points to relieve all the stress away?

Don't you desire something that can tone down your soreness in mere seconds that too without having to visit a professional massager?

We heard your deepest plea! Get yourself these acupressure finger massage rings that can help improve your blood circulation by activating the pressure points.

Best part? It is just right for athletes, adults, kids, or anyone with painful fingers.

What you'll get:

  • Interesting jewelry: Your acupressure points can get endless benefits from this health reflexology. And, otherwise, it can be your go-to unique finger band.

  • Thoughtful gift: These finger massager circulation rings are ideal for people who use a laptop, keyboard, or anyone who has to work using hand force constantly, like a pianist, musician, or woodcraft worker.

  • Perfect for older parents: If you’re a parent or a grandparent who suffer from hand arthritis, benefit from these acupressure rings. Simply, roll it forward and backward several times to activate pressure points. The sliding motion stimulates the nerve points, thus increasing blood circulation. In addition, you can get a soothing and relaxing effect immediately after their use.

  • Portable: The small size is travel-friendly, so you can take them along on your road trips, business meetings, or daily transport.

  • Ideal for your autistic kid: The sujok therapy in this unique form can be an interesting activity for children with sensory issues. They can relieve their stress with this finger ring.

If applicable, kindly send a message after your purchase indicating your choice of variation. For instance: color, size, or type ?