Willmar Schwabe Veratrum Viride
Common Name: White American Hellebore
Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Veratrum Viride
- Veratrum Viride is useful for prostration, low blood pressure and acute rheumatism.
- Pulse is slow, soft, weak, irregular and intermittent. There is rapid pulse with low tension.
- There is constant, dull and burning pain in region of heart.
- There is beating of pulses throughout the body and especially in right thigh.
- Veratrum Viride also helps in aching pain in back of neck and shoulders. There is severe pain in joints and muscles and violent electric-like shocks in limbs.
- Quarrelsome and delirious.
- Congestion intense, almost apoplectic. Hot head, bloodshot eyes. Bloated, livid face. Hippocratic face. Head retracted, pupils dilated, double vision. Meningitis.
- Veratrum Viride relieves Pain in the nape of neck; cannot hold head up.
- It is useful in Sunstroke; head full, throbbing arteries (Bell; Glon; Usnea). Face flushed. Convulsive twitching of facial muscles (Agaricus). Vertigo with nausea is well checked by it.
- White or yellow, with red streak down the middle, Feels scalded, Increased saliva indicates Veratrum Viride.
- Veratrum Viride is useful in Nausea and vomiting. Smallest quantity of food or drink immediately rejected.
- It relieves Constrictive pain; increased by warm drinks. Hiccough; excessive and painful, with spasms of Å“sophagus.
- Burning in stomach and Å“sophagus is also relieved by Veratrum Viride.
- Veratrum Viride is useful in complaint of Congestion of lungs, Difficult breathing. Sensation of a heavy load on chest.
- Pneumonia, with faint feeling in stomach and violent congestion is helped by it.
- Veratrum Viride is indicated in Suppressed menstruation, with congestion to head (Bell). Menstrual colic before the appearance of the discharge with strangury.
- Pulse slow, soft, weak, irregular, intermittent. Rapid pulse, low tension (Tabac; Dig).
- Constant, dull, burning pain in region of heart. Valvular diseases can be checked by Veratrum Viride.
- Aching pain in back of neck and shoulders is relieved by Veratrum Viride.
- Veratrum Viride is useful in Severe pain in joints and muscles. Violent electric-like shocks in limbs.
- It also helps in Convulsive twitchings, Acute rheumatism.
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