Tatsumi is a fighter who accompanied by his childhood friends, Iyeyasu and Sayo, sets off for the Capital in hopes to earn money to assist his poverty stricken village. After being separated from his friends in a bandit attack, Tatsumi unsuccessfully attempts to enlist in the army and is swindled out of his money in the Capital. He is taken in by a noble family, but when an assassin group called Night Raid attacks, he learns that his noble hosts actually intended to torture and kill him as they had done to his friends.
As a result, he joins Night Raid, which consists of the swordswoman Akame, the beastly fighter Leone, the self-proclaimed sniper genius Mine, the scissor-wielding Sheele, the string manipulator Lubbock, the armored warrior Bulat and their leader Najenda, a former general of the imperial army. Night Raid is also part of the revolutionary forces assembled to overthrow the Prime Minister Honest who is manipulating the young emperor for his personal gain despite the rest of the nation falling to poverty and strife.
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