Experience the true story that captivated audiences in Argo (DVD, 2013)!

This thrilling drama recounts the daring rescue of six American diplomats who escaped the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. CIA exfiltration specialist Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck) concocts a risky scheme: create a fake Hollywood sci-fi film production as a cover story to smuggle the diplomats out of the country.

Argo is a suspenseful and edge-of-your-seat film that celebrates the ingenuity and bravery of those involved in the rescue.

Directed by and starring Ben Affleck, Argo also features outstanding performances from Bryan Cranston, John Goodman, and Alan Arkin.


DVD Condition: Good

The DVD and case are in good condition, with some minor wear and tear expected from normal use. The disc has been visually inspected and is free from scratches or cracks.

Own a piece of cinematic history with Argo!