Common Name: Vegetable Charcoal
Mind and Head
The patient faints easily, is worn out, and must have fresh air.
Fear of being alone in the evening, at night, in bed; of strangers, accidents, ghosts.
Dullness, answers slowly, difficult concentration, confusion.
Falling of hair after severe illness, parturition.
Eyes, ear, nose
Ailments from overexerting eyes, Epistaxis or nosebleed.
Mumps migrate to breast glands or testes.
Mouth and Throat
Cough with tingling and itching in larynx causing spasmodic cough with gagging and vomiting.
Hoarseness, long lasting, worse evening, slight exertion and Bleeding gums.
Stomach and abdomen
Sense of fullness after a few mouthful with indigestion from simple food.
Abdomen feels as if hanging down with flatulence and distention.
Stool and Anus
Blue, large, protruding, burning, offensive pile complaints.
Male complaints
Swelling of testes from metastasis of mumps.
Female complaints
Too frequent, too copious, passive flow in females during the periods.
Coldness, Numbness, Weakness.
Itching of skin worse in the evening, when warm in bed. It is also useful in senile gangrene beginning in toes.
Carbo Veg also helps in bed sores, carbuncles, acne, and indolent ulcers. There is thin and offensive smell from ulcers.
Imperfect oxidation. Blood seems to stagnate: blueness, coldness, ecchymosis.