Initially appearing as a guest character in an Evil Ernie miniseries, Chastity went on to star in her first miniseries in 1997, Theatre of Pain. Four more miniseries, several one-shots and guest appearances followed through 2002, when Chaos! Comics ceased publishing due to bankruptcy. The Chaos! line was sold to comics retailer Tales of Wonder, which then sold them to Devil's Due Publishing. Though other Chaos! characters appeared in titles published by Devil's Due, Chastity did not.
Chaos! Comics' 'Chastity' Optioned For TV and Film
Special effects house Rhythm & Hues has acquired the film and television rights for the Chaos! Comics series Chastity from Dynamite Entertainment.
Chastity is looking to make her way to the big and small screen alike.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the one-time Chaos! Comics property has been optioned from Dynamite Entertainment by special effects house Rhythm & Hues.
Debuting in 1996, Chastity was a young girl named Chastity Marks who ran away from her abusive home only to become a big part of the '70s punk scene in London. She eventually was turned into a vampire who was undetectable by the rest of her new peer group.
Both film and television are being eyed for the Chastity invasion, but the television side is further along. Scott Winant (My So-Called Life, Californication) has signed on to bring his years of experience as producer and showrunner.
Dynamite's Nick Barrucci and Juan Collado will serve as executive producers.Shipping is only $1 more per additional item!
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