Frontier Justice: The Rise & Fall of the Loomis Gang by E Fuller Torrey:
Signed by Author 1992
Pre-owned book in good condition. Please see the photos of the book to see its condition.
About this product
Product Information
A definitive history of the Loomis Gang who terrorized central New York in the 1800's. Well-educated and from aristocratic New England families, George and Rhoda Loomis raised their children to be outlaws. Robbery, horse thieving, bribery, arson, counterfeiting, kidnapping, rape and murder-the Loomis Gang did it all until they were brought down by Constable Jim Filkins and United States Senator Roscoe Conkling.
Product Identifiers
Publisher - North Country Books, Incorporated
ISBN-10 - 0932052916
ISBN-13 - 9780932052919
Product ID (ePID) - 1303568
Product Key Features
Book Title - Frontier Justice : the Rise and Fall of the Loomis Gang