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The Right Side Door Cam Latch is an OEM Replacement Part designed for LG and Kenmore refrigerators. This genuine LG part is made of durable white plastic and is installed within the door of the refrigerator. It facilitates the smooth opening and closing of the refrigerator door. Over time, due to wear and tear, the door cam latch may suffer from punctures, nicks, scrapes, or erosion of the plastic material.
Signs of a faulty door cam latch could include difficulty in opening or shutting the door, unusual clicking noises, or inadequate cooling. The latch is sold individually and its replacement requires a 5/16 nut driver and a small flat-blade screwdriver. This OEM part is sourced directly from the manufacturer, assuring quality and compatibility. Replacing the door cam latch can resolve these issues and improve the performance of your refrigerator.

Fits Models:

LG 77563, 71023, LFX25975SW, 78762, LFX25961AL02, LMX25964SS, 79742, LRFC25750TT, GR-L218USGH, 78544, LFC21770ST02, LFC25760SB, 71083, 78513, LMX25981ST, LSMX214ST, LMX25985SW, 78764, LFC25776ST, 71606, 79763, LFC21776ST, LFD25860SB, 78719, 78759, 79779, 78554, LFC21770ST05, LFX21971ST, 71013, 78556, LMX25985ST02, LFX21980ST, 79759, 78779, 71043, 79762, 77729, 78559, 79789, LFC25770TT, 71019, 78752, 77194, LFX25950SB, LFX25971SB, LMX25981SW, LRFC21755SB, LFX28977ST, 78553, 71082, 78516, LFX25961AL, 78749, LRFD21855ST, 78763, 78552, LFX25961SB, 77193, 78723, 77196, 78543, LFC21770ST03, 78754, 78739, 78546, LRFD25850SB, LRFD25850WW, LFX25961ST, LFC25760SW, 78713, LMC25780SB, LFC25770ST, 71602, LFC25760TT, LFX28977SW, LRFC25750SW, LMC25785ST, 79737, GR-L288KVJP, LRFC25750SB, LFX21975ST, LFX25960ST, LFD21860ST, 71014, 77556, 78519, LRFC21755TT, 71012, LFX21960ST, LMX21981ST, 71609, 78722, LFX25960TT, LFX25971ST, LFX25950SW, LFC25776SW, 71604, 77543, 78789, 79782, LFX25960SB, 72023, 78502, 71024, LFX25961SW, 77554, 79773, LRFC21755ST, LFC25770SB, LFX25961SW02, 78506, LFC21770ST06, 79769, LFC25776SB, 79772, 75552, 75542, 79757, LFX25980ST, LMC25785SB, LFC21770ST04, LMX25985SW02, 75546, LFX25975ST, 78773, 72029, 78509, LRFD25850SW, LMX25984SB, 72022, 71049, 79783, LMX25984ST, LMX21984ST, LMX25985ST, 71026, LMX25981SB, LMC25785SW, 78783, 77552, LMC25780AL, 78503, LRFC25750ST, LRFD25850TT, 79736, 79754, 79733, 77192, 71022, LFX25960SW, LFD25860SW, LFC25776TT, 78733, LMX28983ST, LMX28987ST, LFC25760ST, 79767, 79764, LFC21770ST01, LFC21760ST, LFX25961SW01, LFD25860TT, LRFD25850ST, 75559, LFX25971SW, LFX28977SB, 78712, LMX25985SB, 77573, 79747, LRFC25750WW, 78743, 77546, 77564, LFC25770SW, LFC21770ST, 77542, LFX25950TT, 78769, LMX25985SW01, GR-L218USJH, 71029, 79752, 78753, 78542, 79753, 77549, LFX25961AL01, 78729, 77712, 79732, 77562, LFX25975SB, LMX25964ST, 78549, 75543, 79743, LMC25780SW, 71016, LMX25984SW, LFD25860ST

Kenmore 79579753902, 79578542801, 79571604012, 79577196600, 79578519800, 79578769800, 79571603010, 79579742900, 79571609011, 79571026011, 79578546804, 79571604010, 79578553803, 79578542805, 79579753904, 79579783902, 79578763802, 79579754905, 79579779901, 79579779900, 79572029110, 79578503800, 79578512800, 79578752802, 79578556800, 79578546800, 79571606011, 79579782900, 79579779902, 79578509800, 79579789900, 79571023011, 79578739802, 79578779800, 79577729700, 79578503803, 79571602011, 79577572600, 79578516801, 79578546801, 79578543804, 79578546807, 79571089010, 79577554600, 79577559600, 79571082010, 79578503801, 79578506801, 79578502804, 79571609012, 79578729800, 79578779802, 79579782901, 79577193600, 79578543800, 79578779801, 79577719700, 79577192600, 79578506800, 79571022010, 79578544804, 79578542800, 79578549804, 79578762800, 79579759905, 79577199600, 79578743802, 79579757900, 79571603012, 79578506803, 79579737900, 79578713801, 79578549807, 79571023012, 79578552801, 79578502803, 79579759900, 79579763905, 79579747900, 79577194600, 79579752905, 79578543803, 79571089011, 79578509804, 79579753903, 79579753900, 79578549803, 79571606012, 79578743800, 79579773901, 79571029012, 79579772900, 79571019011, 79571014010, 79571012012, 79578789802, 79578544805, 79578509801, 79578713803, 79577552600, 79578552803, 79579737904, 79578512801, 79577564600, 79578543801, 79578733806, 79578513800, 79571603011, 79578546806, 79578733805, 79571013011, 79571026010, 79578753802, 79578769802, 79578789800, 79578783800, 79579773903, 79578719800, 79579752900, 79579753905, 79571019012, 79571024012, 79577569600, 79578752800, 79579773902, 79578554800, 79578502800, 79578739800, 79577546600, 79578712800, 79578743801, 79571082011, 79571026012, 79578503804, 79578509803, 79578544802, 79579743900, 79571014011, 79578733800, 79579733900, 79578519801, 79578542804, 79578749800, 79578549802, 79578544800, 79571019010, 79579754900, 79579757904, 79579789902, 79578733801, 79578546805, 79577573600, 79571023010, 79571012011, 79578543806, 79578544807, 79579732903, 79578544801, 79577713700, 79579764900, 79578753801, 79571083011, 79571016012, 79578773800, 79579769900, 79579752904, 79571024010, 79571013012, 79572023110, 79571022011, 79578549800, 79579753901, 79579782902, 79579737903, 79571012010, 79578722800, 79579772901, 79578789801, 79577543600, 79571024011, 79571029011, 79577712700, 79571016010, 79577556600, 79571013010, 79578739805, 79578753800, 79578764800, 79578783802, 79579733903, 79578546803, 79578773801, 79571029010, 79571083010, 79579773900, 79579733904, 79578773802, 79577579600, 79579783901, 79577542600, 79578549805, 79578543805, 79578543802, 79577544600, 79577549600, 79579789901, 79578506804, 79578542807, 79578733802, 79578783801, 79578713800, 79579762900, 79579763904, 79578552805, 79571016011, 79578559800, 79571602012, 79571602010, 79578764802, 79578723800, 79579732900, 79579759904, 79578552800, 79571014012, 79578754800, 79578553800, 79571083015, 79579757905, 79579772902, 79578759800, 79572022110, 79571606010, 79578516800, 79578554805, 79571022012, 79578544803, 79578713802, 79571604011, 79578554803, 79579763900, 79579772903, 79578762802, 79571609010, 79578543807, 79577562600, 79578749802, 79577563600, 79579783900, 79579779903, 79577553600, 79578763800

Our Policy:

* Please check ETA before placing the order.

* Items returned not in original conditions are subject to a 50% deduction or deny any credit. The part must not have any type of damage, such as signs of installation by the customer, marks, or scratch.

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