Embark on a journey with 5 bags of 'Rainbow Ice Cream' Series Watermelon Seeds, approximately 20 seeds per bag. These early-ripening, gift-worthy watermelons take just around 25 days from fruiting to maturity. The flesh is a delightful rainbow hue, offering a crisp and juicy texture. Weighing approximately 2.5 kilograms each, these melons boast a sugar content of 12.5-13%, making them a sweet delight. With good resistance to cracking, they are recommended for vertical cultivation. Elevate your gardening experience with the vibrant and flavorful 'Rainbow Ice Cream' Series.
5 Green skin, rainbow inside <span white-space:normal;font-size:16px;"="" style="margin: 0px; color: rgb(31, 33, 36);">Perfect for small-scale cultivation in home gardens.