Product Description
Made in Singapore.
Trusted for generations, and premium in quality, Eagle Brand Yellow Massage Balm comes in handy for any handbag and is a must-have for every medicine cabinet.
Spread between palms to allow the hand to glide smoothly over the affected area. Use fingertips, apply pressure, and massage in a circular motion to the affected area. Repeat until a warm sensation is felt.
Safety Information
For external use only, not for consumption. Do not use it on infants and children under 2 years of age. Keep out of reach of children.
Do not use on wounds or damaged skin and do not bandage tightly when using this product. If a rash occurs, discontinue use immediately. If a symptom persists or redness is present, consult a doctor immediately. Avoid contact with the eyes. If contact occurs, rinse your eyes with water. In case of accidental ingestion, seek medical assistance immediately.
All items are shipped directly from Singapore, its country of origin, with tracking information available to check the delivery status.
Stock Availability
Ready in-stock.
新加坡制造之鹰标黄金外用活络镇痛膏,味道清芳,可舒缓头晕, 头痛, 腰痛风湿, 伤风感冒,头眩,鼻塞,肚子疼,止痒,减轻由于舟车晕浪,扭伤,蚊虫叮咬所引起的不适。
放足够的鹰标黄金膏在手掌上, 然后用手掌慢慢地按摩受影响的担心之处。用手指在患处用均匀的力量, 圆周运动的按摩。重复涂擦直到患处有温热的感觉。让鹰标黄金膏的温热舒缓你的肌肉疼痛。
本品只供外用, 忌食, 避免接触眼睛, 2岁以下幼儿不能使用, 请将本品放置于儿童没法触摸的地方。成人及2岁以上的幼儿, 每日可在患处敷用三至四次。
所有商品从原产地新加坡直邮发货, 附带跟踪信息, 以方便检查其交货状态。
亲们, 若要咨询鹰标黄金活络膏, 欢迎加微信号Aha-Yess与曾先生联系, 感谢您的光临。