Optimus Prime is a character from the Transformers. Prime is the leader of the Autobots, a faction of transforming robots from the planet Cybertron. The Autobots are constantly waging war against a rival faction of transforming robots called Decepticons. He is depicted as a brave, powerful, wise and compassionate leader who puts his talent to use improving the universe around him. Optimus is portrayed as having a strong sense of justice and righteousness and has dedicated himself to the protection of all life, particularly the inhabitants of Earth.

Here's some posters to peruse for the Transformers fan in your life!  Surprise them with some awesome comic book art on their wall...frame it or just tack it up!  Shipping is only $1 more per additional item!

This poster is in near mint condition will ship folded if that's the way it came!  May or may not have pinholes along the fold.

Note to overseas bidders- I ship Global Express ONLY.  I will not make an exception just for you. 

Shipping is full price plus $1 for additional items!  All items shipped in cardboard, your item WILL arrive undamaged!

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