Welcome to my listings on Bonanza! I’m yet another refugee from the other site, you know, the one I can’t mention by name because I’m too afraid of getting a “cease and desist” letter from their legal department.
Yes, THAT website.
I do NOT make obscene profit on shipping & handling. If I overcharge it is only for the sake of convenience in listing; you only pay the actual shipping and any balance is refunded to you.
That said, I’ve been selling a long time and I pride myself on being the most honest seller on the web.
I bend over backwards to provide excellent photos, short but concise descriptions and measurements when there is no manufacturer’s size/spec tag.
Having said that, I do not provide additional measurements or photos because in my many years of selling I learned that people almost never purchase the item! Sorry, but I have to do what is in my best interest and that means saving time, MY time.
If there is a maker’s flaw, rip, tear, stain, bald spot or otherwise damage worth showing, then I’ll show it in the photos and/or mention it in the Item Title or Item Description.
Cat fur included at no extra charge. That means that I have two cats in my house and I let them sleep on any damned thing that they want to, including my merchandise as I photograph it for listing.
I do not smoke and neither do my cats.
No damage as far as I can tell.
In 1909 Israel was starting to experience a revival even though the area was stagnating and rotting from a corrupt Ottoman Turkish regime, the "sick man of Europe" as it were.
In 1917 General Allenby marched into Jerusalem and thus began the British Mandate for Palestine which ended with Israel's declaration of independence in 1948. Am Yisrael Chai!
Price includes domestic postage and a cool bonus goody!