SALES CONDITIONS: This is an international order shipped from Brazil with tracking code. Under the buyer's responsibility, your order may be subject to customs clearance and you may be asked to collect it at the agency. Buyer is requested to keep track of his order to avoid returns. All books and DVD and Blu-ray discs are in Brazilian Portuguese. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description:

1. Dia Dos Namorados
2. O Nosso Amor A Gente Inventa (Estória Romântica)
3. Exagerado - Ao vivo no Canecão, Rj / 1988
4. Cúmplice
5. Faz Parte Do Meu Show
6. Só Se For À Dois
7. Solidão Que Nada
8. Minha Flor Meu Bebê
9. Codinome Beija Flor - Live At Canecão, Rj / 1988
10. O Mundo É Um Moinho
11. Mulher Sem Razão
12. Heavy Love

Format: import