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Cover A: Mike Allred & Laura Allred
Writer: Fred Van Lente
Art: Bob Q
Page Count: 32 Pages

Another challenge for THE GREEN HORNET, his aide KATO, and their rolling arsenal, THE BLACK BEAUTY! On police records a wanted criminal, THE GREEN HORNET is really Britt Reid, owner/publisher of The Daily Sentinel. Reid and Kato have traveled to Central City to participate in the futuristic World's Fair, to get the skinny on the "Newspaper of Tomorrow," a device capable of predicting headlines before events happen! But isn't that a dangerous power for the press to wield... and say, who's that blue-suited skulker in the shadows?

The TV version of the Green Hornet from 1966 is making a new friend. The characters played in the classic television series by Van Williams and Bruce Lee will be another masked hero in Will Eisner's The Spirit. The Green Hornet '66 Meets the Spirit is being written by Fred Van Lente (Archer & Armstrong, Cowboys and Aliens), with art by Bob Q (Kings Quest).

The Green Hornet is back and on the case! With his aide Kato and their rolling arsenal, The Black Beauty, by his side, The Green Hornet is ready to face the toughest of challenges! On police records a wanted criminal, The Green Hornet is secretly Britt Reid, owner/publisher of The Daily Sentinel. Reid and Kato have traveled to Central City to participate in the futuristic World's Fair, and to get the skinny on the new and potentially dangerous "Newspaper of Tomorrow", a device capable of predicting headlines before events happen.

Writer Fred Van Lente says, "I'm very excited to link these two iconic characters. The Spirit has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid, and the opportunity to pair Will Eisner's legendary creation with a character that has an actual year in its name allowed me to age The Spirit cast fourteen years forward. In our world, the Spirit hasn't been seen since 1952 (the year the strip ended) but suddenly this new guy has appeared in the mask and hat — one who will look pretty familiar to longtime fans. Who is this guy, and why has he returned? This is the mystery Green Hornet and Kato must solve."

The debut issue of The Green Hornet '66 Meets the Spirit features cover artwork by Mike and Laura Allred (Batman '66, X-Force, iZombie)

When the Green Hornet (’66 version) meets the Spirit, you hope you are going to get an interesting storyline that should appeal to fans of these older characters. I’m happy to say that in my opinion, both properties are well represented and fans should be pleased at the combination of action, humor and sheer comic-bookiness of the whole collection. You certainly don’t have to know a lot about any of the characters in this series to be able to enjoy reading it. Thankfully it gives you everything you need to understand the story along the way.

Fred Van Lente always seems to have a deft touch when adding humor to a comic book, and this series is no exception. The repartee between Green Hornet and Kato is wonderful, and the new Spirit acts as a great foil for the pair as well. I would imagine that it can’t be easy to try and take the tone of older characters like this and fit it into a modern writing style, but Fred manages to navigate the crossroads of character and story in an interesting and engaging manner. This story is chock full of mystery and intrigue and actually seems to progress the current universe for both properties which is quite rare for a crossover book like this.

The art by Bob Q is simple, yet classic. His facial expressions are masterful, and really add to the feel that this comic is trying to put across. I appreciate his take on the “world’s fair” backgrounds and buildings, but I also like the fact that during the action sequences he removes the backgrounds and lets the fisticuffs do the talking.

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