MONKEY FLOWER-The common name comes from the flowers' resemblance to a monkey's face. Typical of wetlands and shady woodlands, this plant needs consistently moist soils and will slowly spread into a bushy plant, attractive in a landscape setting. These are a long lived perennial and get about 2 ft tall and about 1-2 ft wide. The purplish-blue small flowers can sometimes verge on pink or white and will bloom for 1 month or more in mid-summer. Caution-These seeds are very, very small. 400+seeds per order.
Mimulus ringens.
Full sun / Part sun.
Seeds are very small.
Soil temp 68F+.
SOW- Press 3/4 seeds per into soil, don't cover, they need light to germinate. About 12" apart. Keep moist.
Germination 7-14 Days.
Thin to single best seedling. Use scissors to cut out unwanted sprouts.
Monkey Flowers need moist, damp soil.
Height 1-2 ft x 1 ft wide.
Blooms mid-summer. Flowers are purplish/blue to light pink.