Experience the chilling supernatural thriller "The Eye" with this brand new DVD release from 2008. Starring the talented Jessica Alba in a mesmerizing performance, this film follows the story of Sydney Wells, a blind concert violinist who undergoes a cornea transplant that allows her to see again. However, Sydney soon realizes that her newfound vision comes with a horrifying ability to see supernatural beings and ominous premonitions.

Alongside Jessica Alba, "The Eye" features exceptional performances by actors such as Alessandro Nivola and Parker Posey, adding depth and intensity to the suspenseful storyline. Directed by the Pang Brothers, this film offers a unique blend of horror and psychological intrigue that will keep you captivated until the very end.

Don't miss the opportunity to own this brand new DVD of "The Eye" with its gripping storyline and stellar performances. Order now for same day shipping from the USA and immerse yourself in a world of supernatural mystery.

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