Hong Heng Gu Ci Tong U helps to sooth rheumatic pain, joint aches, lumbago, backache, arthritis, numbness, neck and shoulder stiffness.
It is an aid for the relief of pain of knees, arms, sprains, cramps, bruises, muscular strains and wind troubles, as well as pain caused by bone hyperplasia.
Safety Information
For external use only. Not to be consumed. Keep out of reach of children. Not suitable for children under aged 12 years old. Pregnant women and people with sensitive skin should refrain from using.
Avoid contact with eyes and sensitive areas of the skin. Discontinue use and wash with clean water if excessive irritation or swelling occurs. If symptoms persist for more than 7 days, consult a physician.
For the relief of joint pain, neck, knees, shoulders and arms, back, rheumatic, bruises and pain caused by bone hyperplasia.
Pour 2 to 3 drops medicated oil to the affected area. Apply pressure with the thumb on the area and rub slowly for 15 minutes. This will enhance blood circulation. Three times daily until pain is relieved.
Methyl Salicylate 29.99%, Eucalyptus Oil 2.87%, Peppermint Oil 2.87%, Menthol Crystal 8.56%. Extract and base to 100%
Shipping Information
1. Shipping Method
Ship from Singapore via Registered Mail with tracking information.
宏兴 如意 麒麟 骨刺 通 通 60 ml
产品 简介::
新加坡 制造 之宏兴 如意 麒麟 骨刺 通 油 的 珍贵 秘方 乃 采用 祖传 之 有效 配方 , 选用 上等 纯正 药材 , , 家居 者 能 得以 安心。
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