Wisconsin SMR 58 CUCUMBER seeds. The best tasting, tender, low acid non-hybrid cucumber out there and is a very prolific producer. Makes great pickles. Crisp, solid texture and excellent flavor. Muncher cucumber plants produce a smooth, nearly spineless, medium green fruit that is crisp and very tasty. It can be pickled when young or eaten fresh when it reaches 6-9? long and 2-3? wide. Skin is thin and easy to eat. A non-bitter, burpless cucumber that produces heavy yields. Grow on hills or a trellis. This strain also has a short sturdy vine suitable for containers and hanging baskets. Easy to grow from seed. Steady water and a little organic fertilizer. About 65 days for fresh mature cucumbers. Pick them anytime. 30+ Seeds per order. Thank You!

Open pollinated, Certified Organic, Non-Gmo, U.S. Grown seed.
Cucumis sativus.
Spring. Soil temp 80F+.


Full sun. At least 6 hrs a day.
Trellis or Hill's. Spacing on trellis plants is 12". Hill's 30" apart.
SOW 2 or 3 seeds per plant,1"deep. Keep moist.
Germination 7-14 Days.
Thin to one best seedling.
Vine's length 4'- 6'.
About 65 Days for full size cucumbers. Pick anytime after 2".
Heavy water. Organic fertilizer if needed.