This captivating book titled "The Runaway Quilt" by Jennifer Chiaverini is a must-read for both young adults and adults who love fiction. The novel, published by Penguin Publishing Group in 2003, tells a captivating story that blends literary and historical themes. The book is a trade paperback edition, measuring 8 inches in length, 5.4 inches in width, and 0.7 inches in height, and weighing 9.8 oz. It has 336 pages, making it an excellent choice for those who enjoy a good read. The book is written in English and would make an excellent addition to any book collection. It is suitable for those who enjoy stories that take them on a journey through time. The book is in excellent condition and has been well taken care of. Get your copy of "The Runaway Quilt" today and enjoy the captivating story it has to offer. This book is a ex-library book and has markings on first page. This will be shown in the photos. You Will Receive The Item(s) Pictured. We Do COMBINE SHIPPING So Take A Look At Our Other Items. If You Would Like To Take Advantage Of The COMBINED SHIPPING Please Wait For Invoice Before Payment. If You Have Any Questions We Will Be Happy To Answer Them.