“Advance Agent” is a novel written by John August, a pseudonym of Bernard DeVoto. It falls into the genre of American romantic intrigue and was first published in serialized form in nine parts by Collier’s Weekly in 1941. Later, it was released as a hardcover by Little, Brown in 1942 and as a paperback by Popular Library in 1947
The story revolves around Lynn Scovil, who is mad for publicity and power, and fronts a Nazi spy set-up in a college town in the Berkshires. There’s also Gail, whom Lynn wants to marry, but she has been avoiding the issue. Lynn’s daughter, Connie, is a friend of Gail’s and is determined to prevent the marriage. The plot thickens with the arrival of journalist Bill, whom Connie loves, and Garrett, an FBI plant in the shape of a German-escaped prisoner, who falls for Gail. Together, they manage to round up and shoot down the local Gestapo cluster
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