SALES CONDITIONS: This is an international order shipped from Brazil with tracking code. Under the buyer's responsibility, your order may be subject to customs clearance and you may be asked to collect it at the agency. Buyer is requested to keep track of his order to avoid returns. All books and DVD and Blu-ray discs are in Brazilian Portuguese. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: A naked man comes out from the sea of Santos and wanders, affecting the locals. A crippled woman runs from her wheelchair; an abducted girl and her mother that is near to be raped are saved by him. In return, she gives a red Indian clothing and turban to him. When a policeman asks his name, he entitles himself as Finis Hominis (The End of the Man, in Latin). The press promotes him as the new Messiah and he saves a girl covered in blood in a hospital, forcing the doctors to submit her to a surgery. He rescues an adulteress from her husband; he meets a group of hippies that show greed, instead of peace and love. Then he saves an impotent cuckold that has catatonia and will be buried alive. The police department invites Finis Hominis to give a show to help them to raise money for their hospital. When Finis Hominis tells that he will leave the city, a crowd of worshippers follow him to hear his last speech. (Written by Claudio Carvalho for IMDB)

Um homem completamente nu surge do mar e caminha pelas ruas da cidade, interfirindo na rotina das pessoas.
Surpreendido por um padre, que se espanta ao ver o herege bebendo o vinho da comunhao, o misterioso visitante assume o nome Finis Hominis (O Fim do Homem em latim).
Tido pela populacao como um messias moderno, capaz de operar milagres, ele segue sua trajetoria imprevisivel, tendo como seguidores pessoas de diferentes classes sociais.
Depois da obra-prima Ritual dos Sadicos (1970), vetado pela Censura Federal , Jose Mojica Marins aceitou um novo desafio: criar um personagem completamente oposto a Ze do Caixao.
Mas sua abordagem critica da hipocrisia da classe media continuava contundente, de uma ousadia inquietante e polemica. Format: ntsc