The new version is Out Of Print (OOP) in all formats and no longer being produced. This is the blu-ray only and no digital copy. It played great and has a store branded donut sticker in the center of the label side.

The old vhs tape version has a bar code on the cassette's top label and the box has been cut and mounted in a transparent clamshell keepcase. It's two right corners have beeen chipped off. It played fine as well.

The new version has a black hero (Michael B. Jordan) who's main motivating factor for being a traitor is black on white sex of course! All the books are put into the DNA of a bird with a transponder for locating and set free for the symbolic ending. But our dumb-ass hero (?) used a transponder from work so the bad guys can trace it.

In the old version, director Francois Truffaut's only foray into science fiction tackles the world of totalitarianism. Montag (Oskar Werner) has a job burning books and a wife (Julie Christie) who watches a giant propaganda screen all day (America's fake news). He leaves both when when his consciousness is raised by a teacher (Christie again, proving that she can't act like another person). With a great dream sequence and wordless comic-book style newspapers.

Both movies prove that todays youth is brainwashed and if you're told a lie long enough you begin to believe it.