Leica? A.J.b. 10x vintage high resolution eyepiece (25mm FL and 23,2mm barrel)
  • Introduction: After many years and now focused on CCD observations, I plan to sell my personal collection of rare and high resolution eyepieces. Most come from microscope world and are tested to perform very good to excellent as "relay eyepieces" (eyepiece projection technique), but most work visually great too. These belong to *the best* after testing indoors with Imatest software and controlled enviroment with a modern Catadioptric telescope design. You are garanteed these can perform great as planetary/lunar eyepieces, even exceeding some top planetary eyepieces.You can see the report here: https://www.marronyazul.es/azul/how.htm (click on the PDF of the test entitled "A new approach for testing optical trains").
  • Description: This is a 23,4mm barrel eyepiece of around 25mm focal length. It says "3" on top but it is not 3x eyepiece. I am not sure why, probably a vintage code used in the series. Under the microscope it is certainly 10x (25mm focal length). It needs a rare 23,4mm to 1,25" adapter to use on telescopes. This is simple Huygens design (two plano-concave lenses). LENSES are nice with no haze or scratches. It may show some marks in BODY.
  • Offers: Great! Feel free to send your offers.

  • My descriptions are faithful. If I say an optic is clean, then it is clean. I am NOT a cold Corporation thinking up just in numbers. My selling here is a long term responsability activity and I want you to be sure you are paying for what I am describing. In fact, most of my items are over-described (I tend to look specifically for problems instead of overlooking them). If for some reason you think I missed it up, get back to me. I don't tend to mess around with people. Like most of you, I work out my life with others "Quid Pro Quo" style, which means that I TRY TO DO OTHERS WHAT I WOULD LIKE THEM TO DO WITH ME.
  • I ACCEPT ON HAND DELIVERY if you live in Madrid.
  • I accept returns given JUST ONE condition: 1) Items must be received back in same condition as when they left here.

Important shipping notice for international destinations (outside of Spain): Unless your order is shipped as "urgent", your order will be shipped out on Mondays. Have that in mind when you buy anything. I also ship on some Fridays in case batch is big enough to cover my carrier requirements.

Thank you and sorry for the delays hereof.


Importante anuncio envíos dentro de España: Los envíos con destino a España suelen enviarse en un maximo de 1-2 días laborables.

Important notice: all these items are sold as private transactions.