Title: Evel Kneivel & Diamond Thieves
Format: DVD
Brand: Eastwood
Genre: Action, Drama, Biography, Comedy, Crime
UPC: 843156022119
Special Notes: Region Free DVD, Auto Start
Original Release Dates: Evel Kneivel - 1971 / Diamond Thieves - 1978
Evel Kneivel Synopsis:
Biography of the famed motorcycle daredevil, much of which was filmed in his home town of Butte, Montana. The film depicts Knievel reflecting on major events in his life just before a big jump
Diamond Thieves (AKA The Squeeze) Synopsis:
Lee Van Cleef is a safe cracker coming out of retirement to pull off one last caper. The Germans behind the theft are planning to steal $1,000,000. But unbeknownst to the safe cracker, they are planning to kill him afterward. When he learns of their intent, he begins plotting his revenge.