About Tonicard Drops

Tonicard is a product of SBL’s Research & Development, a dependable cardiac tonic, that provides natural cardio glycosides and thus tones up heart muscles, improves coronary and peripheral circulation, relieves breathlessness, palpitation, tachycardia and halts the pace of thinning of arteries. Tonicard improves the overall physiological functions of the cardiovascular system. Tonicard is a clinically proven adjunct to allopathic cardiac medication.

Indications of Tonicard Drops:

Composition of Tonicard Drops:

Cactus Grandiflorus - MT 20% V/V: Acts on circular muscular fibres, hence constrictions. Tobacco heart. Violent palpitation

Crataegus Oxyacantha - MT 40% V/V: Produces giddiness, lowered pulse, air hunger and lowered blood pressure. Acts on the muscles of the heart, and is a heart tonic. Pulse accelerated, irregular, feeble, intermittent

Convallaria majalis - MT 1% V/V: Increases energy of hearts' action, renders it more regular. Of use when the ventricles are overdistended and dilatation begins

Valeriana Officinalis - MT 10% V/V: Hysteria, over-sensitiveness, nervous affections

Strophanthus hispidus - MT 1% V/V: It increases the contractile power of all striped muscles. Acts on the heart; increasing the systole and diminishing the rapidity

Aurum muriaticum natronatum - 4x 1% V/V: Beating of carotid and temporal arteries visible to the eye

Camphora - 2x 5% V/V: Icy coldness of the whole body; the sudden sinking of strength; pulse small and weak. Very sensitive to cold and to touch

Excipients q.s to 100 ml

Alcohol - 50% V/V

How to use Tonicard Drops:

20-30 drops three times daily.

For sudden unexpected symptoms - 40 drops.