Solution of resinous extract, Podophyllin.
Common Name: May Apple
Mind and Head
Great depression, sadness, mind easily fatigued; fidgety and rest less, cannot sit still, whole body fidgety.
Headache alternating with liver disturbances, periodic, violent headaches, alternating diarrhea and constipation is a feature of Podophyllin..
Dull headache in the forehead, with soreness of the forehead and eyes.
Chronic headache, periodic headache, sick headache, congestive in character indicates Podophyllin.
Pain as if the head would burst, the pains most violent in the back of the head, bursting, and then on comes a diarrhea which relieves the head.
Eyes, ear, nose
Heaviness of eyes with occasional pains, inflammation of lids.
Aching pain in right ear is relieved with Podophyllin.
Soreness and little pimples on nose.
Mouth and Throat
Hot, flushed cheeks, offensive breath, at night, mouth and tongue dry on awaking indicates Podophyllin.
Soreness of throat extending to ears, nausea and vomiting with fullness of head, rattling of mucus in throat.
Bitter taste in the mouth with dryness of the throat. Soreness extending to the ears.
Stomach and abdomen
Acidity of the stomach, nausea and vomiting, heart-burn, heat and throbbing in the stomach, followed by diarrhoea.
Pain in the abdomen, the colic is relieved by warmth and by bending forward while lying on the side.
Everything taken into the stomach becomes sour.Uneasiness and distress about two or three hours after eating, with jaundice.
It is useful in horrible nausea and aversion to food with empty all-gone feeling in the bowels.
Feeling of fullness weight and dragging in the hypochondria, especially in the right, with stitches twisting pain, and heat is relieved with Podophyllin
Abdomen is sensitive; so sore that cannot bear the touch or pressure, relieved by the stool
Podophyllin produces chalky evacuations, which are very offensive. Gastric weakness; unable to digest
Stool and Anus
The anus is extremely sore, in haemorrhoids, in dysentery, and in certain watery diarrhoeas Podophyllin gives good results.
The yellow, watery diarrhoea alternates with a morning headache. Bowels with rumbling, pain, and soreness, and the prostration.
The sensation of dragging down as if all the parts would be pushed out into the world is a common feature indicates Podophyllin.
Diarrhoea immediately after eating and drinking.
Urinary complaints
Enuresis, Micturition painful, scanty, urination immediately after drinking, frequent, profuse.