Many of you are aware of the wonderful spell-casting abilities of Madam Crawley. She is a MIRACULOUS person and a dear friend. My life would not be the same with out her radiance within it. I look forward to my phone conversations with her immensely. Madam Crawley has helped so many people over the last several years by offering her Unparalleled Spell cast vessels here . Her customers return time and time again and my heart is constantly up-lifted by the emails I receive and the wonderful stories I am told of lives changed, fortunes gained, and happiness found!
Thissale is brought to you by the ENTIRE COVEN OF UNION of which Madam Crawley is High Priestess. The Coven is always based in a rural part of England. It has recently been based in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. The Coven moves occasionally to maintain secrecy of actual location. The name COVEN OF UNION is a pseudonym, again used to maintain secrecy. The Coven Of Union is the "hub" of Europe's underground society of Wiccan and Pagan Magickal Arts. This includes White Magick (Wiccan) and Gray Magick (Pagan). Neither of these branches are related to Black Magick.
White Magick is the most pure and holistic form of Magick and has a beautiful settling effect on all who come in contact with it. It cleanses and aligns energies holistically. White Magick uses the recipients own energies and aligns and guides those energies with the required patterns to achieve harmony and the intended outcome of the spell.
Gray Magick is far older and more rare that White Magick. Pagan Magick originates thousands of years B.C. and was all but eradicated by the advent of Christianity. In the church's attempts to wipe out Paganism they took many of the Pagan Symbols and Deities and "Demonized" them. For instance the popular image of the Christian Devil is really a "Demonization" of the Pagan Horned God, Baphomet, who was not evil but a true Deity and worshiped for thousands of years as the male counterpart of the Mother Goddess.

The Coven Of Union is comprised of The Top Thirteen most accomplished, revered and talented Witches in Europe. Together they practice Pagan Grey Magick. These are the most qualified, caring and fascinating women you could ever wish to meet. I have witnessed their wonders first-hand, and cannot even express how excited I am that they requested me to share their Magick with you. THIS IS A VERY SPECIAL TIME.
For those of you unfamiliar with the coming of the New Age (also known as:Golden Dawn or Age of Aquarius) it is marked by the end of the Mayan Calendar and represents the end of life as we now know it. But don't panic, Hollywood wants to make everything a disaster. It's NOT BAD--at least not for the Chosen Ones whose hearts are full of positive intentions and who are armed with their belief in Magick.

Remember, every time a door closes another one opens, and you'll be there, ready to walk through into the New Golden Age. YOUR TIME TO SHINE!! Good luck and Many Blessings Always. Your friend Anna.
THE TWO MOST POWERFUL COVENS IN EUROPE ARE FINALLY READY TO REVEAL their SECRET WEAPON! After long discussions at the recent Mt. Shasta Ceremonies, it has been decided that the time is NOW. For many, many years these witches have been working together in various applications, but also in another way -- they have been creating a new type of Magick, that uses the forces of the two separate Covens -- taking their specialties and weaving together the most unbelievable and intricately complex and poignant Spells. All these years they have been stockpiling a small but MOST POTENT armory of Magicakals.
This spell we are offering today is Co-created and cast by the Witches of the Black Forest and the Coven Of Union.

The Black Forest Witches as any of our regular customers know and can attest to, are wealth creating SPECIALISTS -- The most renowned and naturally talented wealth casting practitioners in the entire world! The Witches of the Black Forest have cast Magick for the most successful BILLIONAIRES of all time. If it's money you want, none of us have ever denied the Black Forest Witches are the BEST! EVER! PERIOD! The Coven Of Union Witches always approach these ladies for Money Spells, and the Black Forest Witches, in turn, always seek out the Coven Of Union for Happiness, Destiny,Wisdom and ESP Spells-- the combination is PERFECT. The time has come and these 2 Covens are ready to release this PRICELESS MAGICK.
I urge you--don't wait. If you desire HUGE AMOUNTS OF WEALTH, then you need look no further.
Our reputation speaks for itself. Countless times our vessels are snatched up moments after listing. These are PRIZED ARTICLES OF GENUINE MAGICK. Take a look at our feedback and you'll see what I mean. No one is more powerful, reliable or helpful before and after the sale than Magick acquired from kikiandpops. And I say that with pride! This is about a relationship, this is about YOUR FUTURE, and it's about OUR FUTURE as a race of humans once again walking the path of True Magick. Let the doubters wonder what hit them. And I'm not being malicious, they will convert soon enough. Why? Because once the lie has been removed they will see clearly the TRUE WAY OF NATURE. Abundance, Wealth, Magick and Happiness. It's all there waiting FOR YOU.
Now, let's talk about Money again!

Are you sick and tired of not having enough money to pay your bills?
Do you want to provide lifetime security for the ones you love?
Do you think you're missing out on the good life that is "apparently" there for some people but not for you?
This Miraculous spell is not about simply getting out of debt, and having a few Grand in the bank. This spell is about SUPER, MILLIONAIRE WEALTH. This spell is about changing your life, your children's lives, and their children's lives. This is GENERATIONAL WEALTH -- TRUE LASTING WEALTH. SUPERIOR WEALTH.
the Witches of the Black Forest Wealth Spells that we have been lucky enough to get a hold of in the past, are FAST WORKING, accurate AND HAVE GENERATED MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR OUR CLIENTS.

Gorgeous Shimmery Agate Ring. Set in Sterling Silver. Size 8. This piece is from our Exclusive Vintage Collection. This Money Power Piece will get you RICH!!
Does not need to be worn to own the Magick. I simply adore it, and so will you. The Power and money making capabilities are off the charts!
This new spell is known as:

The CASH-GREEN MONEY MACHINE is an intricate mechanism of wealth making spells. Aligned and programmed to create you HUGE FORTUNES. As simple as turning on a machine, programing the amount you currently desire, and letting it do its job of spitting out the millions! Incredible magick that should not be ignored by anyone who is in need or desiring of HUGE FORTUNE. Calibrated to your specific aura, this Spell will solve all of your money problems and it will keep on spitting out the hundred dollar bills until you say ENOUGH! This fortune will be brought to you in various ways, but its efforts are RELIABLE AND UNDENIABLE. The Witches Of The Black Forest and the Coven Of Union have created this CASH-GREEN MONEY MACHINE SPELL, so that you might experience first hand what others have known for centuries. Magick is real, powerful, and the easiest and most satisfactory way to get yourself RICH RICH RICH. This Spell will get you there fast!! It is infused with the most powerful Magick that will take all available Wealth Energies and point them directly at you!

The Coven Of Union has infused this spell with their superior charms of Happiness and Success. After all, there's no point in getting rich if it doesn't make you happy. This is the perfect combination of Magick. I am overwhelmed by this Spell, it far exceeds all that you will find elsewhere. I say this only because I don't want you to waste time when it's right here staring at you from the page!!

The CASH-GREEN MONEY MACHINE was named as such because of its "machine-like" precision and relentless mode of operation. All you need do is own the piece, and have the inner desire for wealth, and it takes care of the rest! Don't wait! Get started now! Don't waste another minute of your precious life. Good Luck & Many Blessings. Anna.