Title: Conspiracy 365 Set of 3: February, March, and April (Conspiracy 365)

Author: Gabrielle Lord Publisher: Kane Miller Publication Date: 2009 Condition: Good (as seen in photographs) Includes Slipcase: No, missing January hardcover

Description: This set includes three books from the gripping Conspiracy 365 series by Gabrielle Lord. Follow the thrilling adventures of Cal Ormond as he unravels mysteries, dodges danger, and races against time in a desperate bid to uncover the truth behind his family's dark secrets.

Books included:

These books are in good condition, as depicted in the accompanying photographs. Each installment promises intrigue, suspense, and high-stakes action, making this set a must-have for fans of suspenseful young adult fiction.

Grab this set and dive into the heart-pounding world of Conspiracy 365, where every twist and turn leads to another thrilling revelation!